What if you could attract in your people just by being yourself + learning how to listen to the signals your body is always sending you?


You know your work changes lives.

You’re showing up for your people but you feel the self doubt creeping in.

Your body feels exhausted from pushing to try to make things happen.

You know there must be an easier way but you’re not sure what it is.

You’re not who you once were and not yet who you will become.

You want a mentor who can hold the space as you find your way through the void

One who can help you to unravel what is standing in the way so that you can tap into the wisdom and intuition in your body.

So that you can bring to life the vision that you know deep in your bones you’re here to.

You are looking for someone who can hold the space for you to remember who you really are beneath all the stories.

Who can help you to own what comes naturally to you and become magnetic to your people.

Your body is the vehicle that will take you to the next level of being seen and sought out by your soul clients as the leader that you are. 

There are clients out there ready and waiting for you right now.

But for you to reach them you need to fully own who you are and show up in your brilliance.

To do this means you have to face the fears and doubts that are holding you back.

The ones that keep popping up like Groundhog Day.

Let me share a secret with you that most mentors and coaches aren’t talking about.

Mindset work alone isn’t enough to shift your fears.


Because your fears live IN your body.

So, if you want to shift them, you have to work with them in the body.

When you bypass your body, you end up making decisions that override your values.

You question your offers and gifts because you aren’t seeing the results you know are possible.

You feel frustration that your business seems to be stuck at a certain level of clients and income that you can’t move beyond.

You attract in clients who aren’t a fit for you and who don’t value your work.

But when you learn how to listen to your body you become magnetic to the people whose lives you are destined to transform.

Because there is so much energy and wisdom that’s literally bound up within your fears just waiting for you to unlock it.

The more you work with your body, instead of against it, the more you can show up as you.

And then you send out the energetic signals that your ideal clients will feel.

You’ll experiences changes that you’ve never felt before.

And not just in your business but in every area of your life.

Imagine feeling freedom and space because you have learnt how to use your body as a GPS for your business + your life.

So, how do you start to work with your body in your business and tap into the juice of the wisdom & intuition you carry within?

I’ll help you learn how to be led by your body in your business and life.

Where you say goodbye to overriding your own impulses to please others.

Give yourself permission to let go of everything that’s not serving you.

Make all your decisions based on what feels 100% in alignment with your body.

Say more YES’s to yourself and no’s to others.

Show up as the raw, authentic you.

Create your calendar around your body and family needs.

When you finally let yourself run your business from your body, you will feel a freedom and ease that you’ve not known before.

Where you lead with what you know in your heart is important about you and your soul work.

When you own what comes naturally to you and show up as you, you become magnetic to your people.

You effortlessly birth your offers and soul work + make more money from doing what you love.

My 4 week Somatic Immersion is…..

The Immersion is a 4 week 1:1 intimate, custom Mentorship where I help you activate the wisdom in your body and become magnetic to your dream clients so that you can book out your offers.

It’s for the womxn who desires…..

  1. To take your business to the new heights by learning how to listen to the signals and intuition in your body.
  2. To feel more empowered as you transmute your fears and activate the wisdom that is bound up within them.
  3. To feel more confident in your unique zone of genius and to take up the space you are here to.
  4. To turn on your natural magnetism so that you become magnetic to your people who can’t wait to sign up for your offers.
  5. Someone to mirror back to you your own level of mastery to support you to take the leap into the expansion of you and your business.

Join me for 4 weeks inside Alchemy the Immersion and I’ll help support you to become that womxn that you came here to be.

This Immersion is made for YOU if…

  1. You’ve been running a business for a little while and done lots of healing work and are so ready to go deeper.
  2. You’ve ready to own who you are and what you do and take up more space as the magnetic leader that you are.
  3. Your desire for deep change is greater than your fear or resistance of it.
  4. You’re ready for a deep dive in your body to transmute your fears and to reclaim the wisdom and knowledge that’s always been there.
  5. You’re self led and are committed to showing up in full self-responsibility for your own inner experience, beliefs, blocks and fears.

My 4-week Somatic Immersion is an intimate space (there are only 8 spots available) where you will get my personal mentorship tailored to you + your goals.

Over our 4 weeks together, you will receive:

  • 4 x 60 minute 1:1 Mentoring Sessions on zoom or voxer.

Get mentorship and guidance tailored to you.

Work through blocks stuck in your body and transform fears that hold you back.

Get support on wherever you are stuck and desiring more flow.


  • Weekly Voxer checkins where you will get mentoring between our calls.

5 x 30 minute Voxer check ins each week over the 4 weeks (Monday-Friday business hours AEDT.)

Moving through limiting beliefs, stories and fears.

Brainstorm and ask for guidance on your next steps.

Learn how to use your body as your GPS that propels you to your natural brilliance + makes you magnetic to your people.

Let me take you on the journey home to who you really are.

Hi I’m Francesca.

Mentor, Alchemist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Creator of the Somatic Alchemy Method. After years of working with nervous systems I realised some of the most incredible mentors and coaches I knew didn’t know how to connect their body + their business. I created my soul work to help womxn activate the wisdom and knowing that is held in their own body so that they can share their brilliance.

I want you to feel safe in your body to own who you are and see how this makes you magnetic to the people whose lives you are here to touch.

This Immersion has limited spaces.

This is intimate work. I want to really dive into the soul of your work so I have limited spots to 8 places.

The investment is $2500 AUD pay in full.

Or 4 x biweekly payments of $725 AUD (total $2900)

We begin 23 October.

If you know this level of support is for you, and I’m the mentor you’d love to have by your side as you move through your rebirth, I’d love to talk via messenger.

Please only reach out if you’re able to make the investment outlined above and you’re an ecstatic whole body yes around joining the Immersion.


Love Notes

“I worked with Francesca with the intention of healing some past wounds that were keeping me stuck in business and relationships. I got so much from our time together, more than I could have imagined. For the first time in my life, I can freely be myself. I can show up online in my business and in relationships, without fear. I am more playful, spontaneous and heart-centered from working with Francesca, and the calm, stability, and ease I have within myself are reflected in my business. I am able to take action, effortlessly. I continue to evolve from our work together. If you are considering working with her, take the leap.”


“Imagine being held in a safe space where you felt completely seen, loved, and supported. Sinking deeper and deeper into the knowing that there is nothing wrong with you. That’s what Francesca’s offerings are about. She is caring, compassionate and full of heart. Her unique presence can truly help you be more attuned to yourself, connect to your truth and live more authentically. She inspires women to walk each other home, to the beauty that we all are. I am feeling full of gratitude, feeling more courageous to keep living my life from a place of authenticity and carrying an inner tribe of unconditional love and support.”


“It is absolutely fascinating to me how much can be achieved with tenderness and compassion. Francesca has come to symbolize that for me. I feel empowered and liberated in a way I never thought I would. With her I learned to track my own internal processes in a way that I am now able to hold myself though challenges with the same compassion that she offered to me so generously. Francesca is generous, genuine and caring and she knows exactly which levers to use to ensure lasting resolve in the nervous system. I have never known a more effective approach or met someone so simultaneously gentle and effective as her. If you consider working with Francesca, expect her expertise and her heart of gold to safely guide you to a place where you and your potential become one again. I highly recommend working with her. I don’t know where I would be today without her support.”